2015 Research Publications

2015 Research Publications


2015 Research Publications

(If you want to download research publications, please contact us via cidesnu@snu.ac.kr or 02-880-4296)



Chief of Research

Purpose and Contents of Publication

Country Evaluation

Case Studies

Lee, Suk-Won (Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)

The purpose of this research is to provide a foundation for systematic country evaluation by conducting a case study of country evaluation reports by various donor countries and international organizations.

Research on the Impact of ODA on the corruption

Kwon, Iloong (Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)

This research proposes a hypothesis of which ODA can have negative impact on recipient country’s economic development, by arousing the recipient country’s corruption, The research conducts both theoretical and empirical study to test the hypothesis.

Korea’s ODA Evaluation’s future direction: Comparative Analysis of ODA evaluation system of other developed countries

Chang, Hyun-sik (Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)

In this research, international trend in ODA evaluation is examined chronologically along with a comparative analysis of other ODA evaluation system of  OECD countries and Korea, in order to suggest additional ways of improving Korea’s ODA evaluation system

Research on International Development Cooperation Evaluation Governance

Lee, Jae-Wan (Professor, Humanitas College, Won Kwang University)

The purpose of this research is to analyze the evaluation governance system of donor countries and international organizations, and to produce implications in order to suggest further direction for developing advanced evaluation governance system in Korea.

Research on Japan’s ODA Evaluation System

Lee, Yoon-Suk (Professor, Department of Public Administration, Kemyung University)

This research investigates an analytical framework and contents of JICA projects’ effectiveness based on the recently introduced performance effectiveness assessment data of JICA projects.