Evaluation Capacity Building (ECB) Program

CIDE offers educational/training programs to strengthen evaluation capacity of and to provide practical knowledge on ODA evaluation to domestic and international professionals in governments, agencies, and NGOs conducting international development programs.



Training Seminars for Domestic Institutions

Demand-driven training seminars are designed to equip domestic public officials, program managers, and NGO workers staffs involved in international development programs with knowledge and practices on ODA evaluation. The followings are the training seminars for domestic institutions held in 2015.


1. Capacity Building Workshop for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)


In 2015, CIDE initiated the first capacity building workshop for domestic NGOs conducting international development programs to enhance knowledge and practices on program evaluation. Diverse topics from evaluation theory to practical case studies are covered, so that the professionals in NGOs can use evaluation theory to assess and evaluate their programs in practice. In 2015, CIDE provided lectures on ‘Impact Evaluation, Theory Based Evaluation, and Survey Research Method’. The detailed programs of the 2015 capacity building workshop for NGOs are listed in the table below.


Date Contents
20th August, 2015 Impact Evaluation and Theory Based Evaluation Lee, Suk-Won

(Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University

Survey Research Method Jung, Kwang Ho

(Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)

Impact Evaluation Case Study Lee, Suk-Won

(Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)

Open Discussion

2. Workshop with Center for International Development, Korea Development Institute (KDI CID)


In early 2015, CIDE co-hosted a workshop with KDI CID where professor Suk-Won Lee, executive director of CIDE, gave a lecture on ‘New KSP(Knowledge Sharing Project) Evaluation Framework.’ Strategies for building New KSP evaluation framework, systematizing the evaluation framework for KSP, hands-on guideline for practitioners as well as an evaluation case of KSP projects in Cambodia were shared in the workshop.

3. Workshop with Korea International Cooperation Agency Evaluation Office

A capacity building workshop with KOICA Evaluation office was co-hosted in December, 2015. At the seminar, professor Suk-Won Lee, executive director of CIDE, offered the lecture titled ‘Impact Evaluation,’ and shared evaluation theory and practices of international development programs.



Training Seminars for Government Officials from Developing Countries

CIDE provides training programs to enhance evaluation capacity of government officials and diplomats from developing countries through seminar targeted at students in GMPA (Global Master of Public Administration) program, in the Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University. Detailed programs of 2014-2015 GMPA seminar are as follows.


1. GMPA Seminar (ODA Evaluation Capacity Building Seminar for Public Officials in Developing Countries)


ODA Evaluation Capacity Building Seminar for Public Officials in Development Countries aims to enhance ODA evaluation capacity of Students in the GMPA program, at Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University. GMPA students are public officials at work from developing countries with high interests in ODA activities and learning Korea’s development experience. The purpose of ODA evaluation capacity building seminar accords with CIDE’s establishment objective to build evaluation capacity of relevant institutions and agencies as well as to facilitate interaction within the community of evaluation.

CIDE has hosted ODA evaluation capacity building seminar every year since 2014. In addition to GMPA students, this seminar is also open to diplomats at embassies of countries whose students are enrolled in the GMPA program to equip with professional knowledge on ODA evaluation. Detailed programs of 2014-2015 GMPA seminars are shown in the table below.


Date Subject Title Lecturer
2014 : The Importance of Evaluation Capacity Building Recent Trends in ODA Chang, Hyun-Sik

(Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)

Theory and Practice
in Evaluation
Lee, Suk-Won

(Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)

2015 ODA Evaluation Capacity Building Seminar The Importance of ODA and its Global Trends Chang, Hyun-Sik

(Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)

Aid Effectiveness Evaluation: Theory and Practice Lee, Suk-Won

(Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)

Capacity Building Seminars for Developing Countries

Providing educational/training programs to build ODA evaluation capacity of recipient countries and local program managers are important in enhancing aid effectiveness and promoting program efficiency. With the objective to strengthen evaluation capacity of recipient countries and local program managers as well as to heighten their awareness on importance of their participation on evaluation process, capacity building seminars are held every year. The followings are detailed programs of capacity building seminars for developing countries that CIDE hosted in 2015.


1. Cambodia Capacity Building Seminar


Cambodia capacity building seminar was held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, providing lectures on ODA policy evaluation to Cambodian governmental officials. The seminar was expected to contribute to offering knowledge on ODA evaluation, reinforcing the importance of ODA evaluation, and building evaluation capacity of Cambodian governmental officials.


  • Date : 13th February, 2015 14:00-17:00
  • Location : Cambodia-Korea Cooperation Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Detailed schedule


Program Notes
Moderation Moderator: Chang, Hyun-sik

(Senior Advisor, CIDE/ Visiting Professor, GSPA, SNU )

Presenter: Lee, Suk-Won

(Executive Director, CIDE/ Professor, GSPA, SNU )

Keynote Speech

“The Role of the Recipient Country in ODA Evaluation”

Lee, Suk-Won

(Executive Director, CIDE/ Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)

Discussion Yanara, H.E CHHIENG

(Minister attached to the Prime Minister Secretary General of CRDB/CDC)

Thirong, H.E PEN

(Deputy Director General of General Department of Budget)

Samrith, Mr. CHHUON

(Director of Department of Cooperation and Debt Management, General Department of Budget)

Seo, Dong Shin

(ODA advisor, KOICA Cambodia Office)

Kim, Song Joo

(Vice Resident Representative, KOICA Cambodia Office)

Kim, Eunsong

(Research Associate, KDI/ KSP Cambodia project PO)

Choi, Woo Im

(Researcher, KSP Team, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea)

Q&A Session Open Discussion

2. Myanmar Capacity Building Seminar


Myanmar Capacity Building Seminar was held in Yangon, Myanmar to enhance ODA evaluation capacity of Myanmarese governmental officers in charge of international development programs, local program officers of donor agencies and international organizations in Myanmar, and students from Yangon University of Economics. The seminar is intended to build ODA evaluation capacity through sharing evaluation cases of Korea’s Myanmar ODA projects and through an in-depth discussion.


  • Date :13th August, 2015 16:00-19:00
  • Location :Yangon University of Economics
  • Detailed schedule :


Program Notes
Welcoming Address and Introduction of Center for International Development Evaluation (CIDE) Lee, Suk-Won

(Executive Director, Center for International Development Evaluation/ Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)

Congratulatory Remarks Presenter: Nam, Kwon-Hyong

(Chief Resident Representative, KOICA Yangon Representative Office)

Session 1 “Strategy Planning and Evaluation of South Korea’s ODA in Myanmar” Moderator: Chang, Hyun-sik

(Senior Advisor, CIDE/ Visiting Professor, GSPA, SNU )

Presenter: Lee, Suk-Won

(Executive Director, CIDE/ Professor, GSPA, SNU )

Open Discussion / Q&A Session All Participants
Session 2 “Myanmar’s National Development Strategy and ODA from South Korea and other Major Donors” Moderator: Park, Jeong Hun

(Professor, GSPA, SNU ) Presenter: Wah Wah Maung (Acting Director General, Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development)

Open Discussion / Q&A Session All Participants