Message from the Executive Director


Center for International Development Evaluation

The Center for International Development Evaluation was launched at Seoul National University in March 2014. Our mission is to make contributions in improving the development programs of recipient countries and donor agencies by assessing aid effectiveness with rigorous evaluation methods.

Upon the year of 2010, Korea has evolved to fulfill its role as a responsible donor country both internationally – by acquiring membership in the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), and domestically – with the successful implementation of “Framework Act on International Development Cooperation”. In fact, the “Framework Act on International Development Cooperation” emphasizes the importance of program evaluation as much as program performance by stating evaluation and reporting as mandatory activities in execution of international development programs.

In this respect, CIDE will strive to put every effort in embodying the motto ‘operate as evaluated’ by generating evaluation data tailored to recipient’s needs. We would appreciate your interest in our efforts to improve the development program community in Korea as well as to facilitate interaction within the international community.


Executive Director of CIDE at Seoul National University
Professor at Graduate School of Public Administration
Lee, Suk-Won